Hi angiekeng, thanks for contacting us. As this requires us to refer to your account details, we are unable to assist you here on StarHub Community.
4/30/2019 · -Jolene . Some of my posts are unofficial and may contain personal opinions which may not represent the positions and opinions of StarHub . For account related matter, please seek help from our Customer Service team via Facebook Messenger.. For urgent matters regarding the safety of our members or the security of the platform, please email us at community@ starhub .com.
A space for StarHub postpaid members to ask questions. Old bills up to past 6 months. Hello, I did not know that we only get to view our bills for the past 6 months in the starhub app.
Network Selection Disabled Association Rejection Pixel, It looks to commonly accepted explanations for the adoption of privatisation policies and demonstrates that Ireland fails to fit neatly with such explanations. Instead, the pursuit of privatisation in the case of Ireland owes more to pragmatism and a peculiar mix of forces that are unique to the Irish case. 3.1