

WELCOME TO THE SWORD COAST—a region of Faerûn that comprises shining paragons of civilization and culture, perilous locales fraught with dread and evil, and encompassing them all, a wilderness that offers every explorer vast opportunity and simultaneously promises great danger.

9/5/2015  · EDIT: From the SC Adventurer’s Guide announcement: “Compatible with Rage of Demons storyline: Make characters for use with the Out of the Abyss adventure and fight back the influence of the demon lords in the Underdark below the Sword Coast.” Reply. mach1.9pants Adventurer. Sep 4, 2015, 4/27/2019  · I am allowing PHB and SC Adventurer’s Guide as a baseline for what your character can be. If you have a character concept that involves something from something else, (i.e being an Aaismar) then you can PM me and I’ll decide if I’ll let you play as that race, class, background, whatever.

Je suis curieux de lire SC adventurer’s guide et Volo’s guide to monsters en VF , suivit des autres campagnes. Zonamage le 15/09/2017 à 20h52. Ouhhhhhhhhhhhhhouhhhhhhhh. alanthyr le 15/09/2017 à.

Warscroll builder francais. Warscroll Builder : Le créateur de liste d’armée Et pour commencer voici un Army Builder (créateur de liste d’armée) pour Age of Sigmar. Il est disponible ici. Il permet de créer sa liste d’armée, d’y ajouter les allégeances et les artefacts ©2017 by Warscroll Builder HQ.

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