estado libre asociado de puerto rico la fortaleza san juan, puerto rico boletín administrativo núm. -2001-73 orden ejecutiva de la gobernadora del estado libre, Executive Orders . The Executive Order is an instrument of the Governor derived from the exercise of executive power by force of law, by which the Governor emits an order to an entity of the Executive Branch. Being a document issued by the Governor in accordance with the law, it is a public document that serves the purposes of implementation of …
Proposer must certify compliance with Executive Order No. OE-2001-73 . 2.13 Registration Requirement Proposers must be registered in the Registro de Licitadores of the GSA (Administración de Servicios Generales in Spanish), and must be authorized by the, According to Executive Order OE-2001-73 , the Vendor should certify the following in each invoice: We certify under penalty of nullity that no public servant of the Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority (AFV) will derive or obtain any benefit or profit of any kind from this invoice.
establecido en la Órdenes Ejecutivas 12549 y12689 ( Executive Order 12549, Executive Order 12689 Debarment and Suspension). Tampoco pueden tener historial de incumplimiento de acuerdos (contratos) con el DRNA o alguna otra … Administrativo Núm. OE-2001-73 :, El Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA por sus siglas en inglés), prohíbe la discriminación en todos sus programas o actividades, ya sea por raza, color, nacionalidad, #o (en